Nth Root Calculator

\[ \large{ \sqrt[n]{x}=x^{\frac{1}{n}} } \]

How to Use
  • Positive integer can be entered for \(n\).
  • Positive integer, decimal, and fraction can be entered for \(x\).
  • Enter fraction as 1/2, 3/5, etc.
  • Square Root Calculator is available at this link.

What is the nth root?

When a certain number is raised to the power of n and results in \(x\), that number is called the nth root of \(x\).

The nth root of \(x\) can be represented as \(\sqrt[n]{x}\), and can be calculated as follows

\[ \sqrt[n]{x}=x^{\frac{1}{n}} \]


Example 1

Calculate \(\displaystyle \sqrt[2]{16} \) in the positive range.


\[ \sqrt[2]{16}=16^{\frac{1}{2}}=4 \]

Example 2

Calculate \(\displaystyle \sqrt[3]{27} \) in the positive range.


\[ \sqrt{3}{27}=27^{\frac{1}{3}}=3 \]